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Teacher's corner

What is tax?

The clip introduces the concepts of tax and taxation to the young audience with the help of a rob

How did taxes come about?

The activity aims at helping students spotting the benefits of paying taxes, introducing examples

Who pays taxes nowadays?

The activity aims at helping students understand who has the responsibility of paying taxes nowad

Who Collects Taxes and Why?

This clip presents the role of the tax authorities in each Member State and how tax revenue is co

Do I benefit from taxes? How?

This clip explains the many ways in which taxes help improve the lives of children and those who

What happens if you don’t pay your taxes

The activity aims at helping students understand what are the disadvantages and consequences of n

What kinds of taxes are there?

The activity aims at helping students getting to understand the main types of taxes in force in t

Do businesses pay tax?

The activity aims at helping students understand why a business has to pay taxes and how this con

What is income and how is it taxed?

The activity aims at helping students getting to understand the concept of income and how the tax

Can tax help protect the environment?

The activity aims at helping students understand what environmental taxes are and how they suppor

Value added tax - VAT

The activity aims at helping students understand what Value Added Tax represents and how is it paid

What is customs duty?

The activity aims at helping students know the history of customs duty and what is their role in

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