The TAXEDU website aims to inform young Europeans about taxation and how it affects their lives now and in the future.
The portal targets three age groups with tailored information:
- Children: an explanation of what taxes are and the benefits everyone experiences day-to-day. The section includes some surprising and fun facts about tax from around Europe to make learning fun. The language is simple and accessible.
- Teenagers: a description of what taxes are and the benefits for everyday life. This section provides more detail than the one for children, as well as concrete examples that fit with teenagers’ interests (downloading music, buying online, etc.).
- Young adults: information relevant to this particular stage of life. Young people making the transition to adulthood need to know whether they have to pay tax when they start university, and how to manage tax issues if they launch their own business, work in another country, etc.).
The resources section is a library of courses, images, videos and other materials on taxation.
Microlearning is an educational approach intended to build successful habits in small steps. The benefits of learning using these short videos are:
- having the option to learn while on the move;
- they can be produced fast enough to react to a changing work environment;
- they require little effort within individual sessions;
- they provide focused and precise information;
- the topics are narrow and accessible.
‘eLearning’ is an abbreviation for ‘electronic learning’, and this means using a computer to deliver part, or all of a course – whether it's in a school, part of your mandatory training or a full distance-learning course. eLearning courses are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, and give the individual full responsibility for studying and deciding his or her pace. The benefits of using eLearning are that the learner:
- can learn from anywhere;
- only needs an electronic device and an internet access;
- limits travel costs;
- saves time;
- may pick and choose what is really important;
- can pursue flexible training;
- benefits from games, audio and video elements.
- What is tax?
- How did taxes appear?
- Who pays taxes nowadays?
- Who collect the taxes and why?
- Who benefits from taxes and how?
- The consequences of not paying taxes
- What sort of taxes are there?
- Do businesses pay tax?
- How is income taxed?
- Can taxes help protect the environment?
- What is a tax on the added value?
- Whose duty is customs duty?
- Taxes, you say…What’s in it for me?
- Relax max, we all pay tax
- Beware of the dark side
- True players are tax players
- When taxes appear in youngsters’ life!
- How to start a business?
- Employment income
- Business income
Please consult this page on the European Commission’s website.
Consult the list of national tax authority websites or contact the European Commission.
If you have questions regarding this portal, see also our national contacts page.
An overview of EU Tax Policy Strategy is available on the European Commission’s website.