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Civic tax education in times of pandemic

Civic tax education in times of pandemic

Tax Agency, Special Delegation of Valencia, Spain


 It goes without saying that flexibility and teamwork are two of the most important qualities an educator should possess. And these are even more important today, at a time when there is no face-to-face contact.

While providing solutions through interaction with students can be difficult, new communication technologies allow us to face these challenges and overcome obstacles successfully.

In this sense, online classes have become helpful tools for delivering lessons. Lively and dynamic presentations are appealing to students, materials can be adapted according to their age and resources interactive. This allows them to engage more actively in this process. My personal experience has been very positive in this regard and, in general, this system of online lessons has been more successful than in the face-to-face modality.

It is worth bearing in mind that not everyone has access to this technology and the existence of a digital divide should not be overlooked.

In short, quoting Charles Dickens: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’.


Francisco Salvador Ávila

Special Delegation of Valencia - Tax Agency