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TaxEdu in Romania – in the financial education summer camp

TaxEdu in Romania – in the financial education summer camp

Editorial team


A summer camp was organized in Bucharest, where experts from the Ministry of Public Finance held an interactive workshop on the Taxedu portal.

The camp targeted 10-13 aged children and had as main objective the provision of basic information on financial education.


On this occasion, the children met 2QT, the famous Taxedu robot who teaches you on taxes, makes you understand what taxes are and what is their role in our lives, who is paying taxes and what happens if you do not pay taxes. Moreover, they received information about the benefits they get if they are good taxpayers.


The most awaited but also the most attractive moment was represented by the small children's incursion, alongside experts, on the land of Taxlandia, the game that gave the little ones the joy of playing the role of Prime Minister for a day.