Ireland hosts the Fiscalis Project Group on Tax Education (FPG 031)
On Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 November, Revenue (Irish Tax and Customs) hosted the first in-person meeting of the Fiscalis Project Group (FPG) on Tax Education in the historic grounds of Dublin Castle, headquarters of Revenue.
The meeting was opened by Brian Boyle, Assistant Secretary for Accountant General's & Strategic Planning Division, Revenue (Irish Tax and Customs). Mr Boyle welcomed the delegates, who represented tax administrations from Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
Delegates from five tax administrations gave presentations on a variety of topics, including their current national programmes, research on tax literacy, as well as potential future initiatives that the group could undertake.
A series of breakout sessions were organised throughout the day and a half meeting. The breakout sessions provided the opportunity for delegates to share experience and advice, based on the work of their national administrations in tax education. Delegates were invited to propose solutions to common challenges, share advice on the design, promotion, and delivery of tax education initiatives and to look at what participants of the FPG would like the group to achieve in the future.
On Day 2, DGTAXUD’s consortium of external contractors provided a progress update on their work throughout the year, as well as future developments. The Project Group appreciate the work and support of the consortium throughout the year.
To close the meeting, the role of Project Group Chair was officially handed over from Revenue (Ireland) to Agenzia Della Entrate (Italy). Delegates from Italy provided an overview of their national tax education initiatives to date, providing a glimpse into potential areas that could be explored by the Project Group in the next year.
The Project Group eagerly await 2024, where under the chairmanship of Agenzia Della Entrate, members hope to increase tax education amongst young people across the EU.