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Economics as a pillow fight

Economics as a pillow fight

State Tax Inspectorate, Lithuania


I finally realised my old dream - a lesson on taxes and economics as a fun and active game.

We played a pillow fight with the kids. Pillows were our money, and we explained how cash flows among people. The children were not just throwing pillows, but received and spent money. 

The teacher was the Lithuanian Government, and I was the Tax Inspectorate. The Government paid people’s salaries, and some money came into the market. This is how the children learned that the state pays for doctors, teachers and police. And where does the state get the money from? That's right - from taxes. So in the game, the children not only spent money, but also paid taxes. 

How did it look? I pointed to a child and that child gave me a pillow. Then I gave the pillow to the teacher, and she returned it to the children.

Such a simplified economic model, easy to understand and fun.
After such game, any lecture about taxes is very welcome and understandable.