Knowing better our rights as taxpayers
We all pay taxes. But when it comes to our rights as taxpayers, there is a lot we don’t know. Information is on its way, thanks to the European Commission.
Raising awareness amongst taxpayers about their rights and obligations is a big job. But it’s one that will improve tax compliance. This is why the European Commission is preparing a new set of measures. Wondering what these are?
Here’s a sneak preview of what’s in the pipeline.
A communication related to taxpayers’ rights
According to the European Commission, various economic activities between different countries can suffer from this situation of lack of awareness. This is something which impacts the good functioning of the EU single market.
What if taxpayers had better knowledge of the rules and their rights in taxation? The Commission believes strongly that increasing awareness of taxpayers’ rights could help improve the relationship between taxpayers and tax administrations.
In this scope, the Commission plans to publish a Communication related to taxpayers’ rights, to support simplicity and fairness in taxation.
A recommendation to improve the situation of taxpayers in the single market
How is it possible to facilitate the implementation of taxpayers’ rights and simplify tax obligations? The Commission will publish a recommendation for the attention of Member States.
This recommendation will include an analysis of the issues related to the rights under EU law.
It will also identify and promote good administrative practices.
Ultimately, the recommendation will reflect how to simplify taxpayers’ obligations, thanks to new technologies, for example.
Package for fair and simple taxation
This initiative is part of the package for fair and simple taxation that the Commission published in 2020 to ensure that EU tax policy supports fair and efficient taxation between now and 2024.
Built on two pillars, fairness and simplicity, the package is a multifaceted approach to make taxation fairer, greener and fit for the modern economy. TAXEDU’s news item describes the measures of this package.
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More information
EU taxpayers’ rights in the single market (Communication)
Roadmap ‒ Recommendation to Improve the Situation of Taxpayers in the Single Market