Списък с контакти на данъчните администрации
Finančna Uprava
(Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia)
General Financial Office Division for Organisation and Human Resources
Šmartinska cesta 55, 1000 Ljubljana
Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal (National Tax and Customs Administration)
Képzési, Egészségügyi és Kulturális Intézet
H-1139 Budapest, Teve utca 8-10.
Henkilöverotuksen viestintä
(Finnish Tax Administration)
Vääksyntie 4 / PL 325, 00052 VERO
More: http://www.vero.fi/fi-FI/Tietoa_Verohallinnosta/Yhteystiedot/Palvelunumerot
Project and international queries can be sent trough int.relations@vero.fi
Ministère de l’Action et des Comptes publiques
(Ministry of Action and public accounts)
Direction Générale des Finances Publiques
(Directorate general of oublic finances)
139, rue de Bercy 75572 Paris Cedex 12
Porezna uprava: Republika Hrvatska - Ministarstvo Financija
(Ministry of Finance – Tax Administration, Republic of Croatia)
Boškovićeva 5
10 000 Zagreb
Finační správa (Financial administration)
Development of Taxpayer Services Unit
Lazarská 15/7
117 22 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 296 851 763
Swedish Tax Agency
+46 8 564 851 60