PECT Activities in Navarra, Spain
Overcoming the not very good current health situation derived from the pandemic, in the Special Delegation of Navarra we have participated in the Civic-Tax Education Program giving sessions in schools.
Our teacher Eduardo Sainz Goñi, went to the classrooms of the Navarro Villoslada Institute in Pamplona to explain to 4 eso and Baccalaureate groups, the fundamentals of the operation of the Public Treasury and the need for correct fiscal behavior from the first years.
The talks were very well received among the students and the teachers who teach the subject of Economics at the Institute, who were also present. With the satisfaction of having transferred knowledge about the importance of the tax system and seeing how these concepts were internalized and debated in the classroom, it is planned to continue with this Program and expand the number of sessions and educational centers included in it.
For our part, a recognition to the trainers of the Tax Civic Education Program for the good work done in this important task.