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Plans for more TAXEDU!

Plans for more TAXEDU!

Editorial team


TAXEDU is a European Union pilot project with a mission to educate young European citizens about tax and how it affects their lives.

The project has been so successful that options to extend the project into 2019 are being explored. Several EU countries, led by their national tax administration, plan to use the learning material and information created and collected as part of the project for national initiatives.


Greece, for example, will integrate TAXEDU material into primary school curricula for the academic year 2018-2019. Awareness raising initiatives will also be organised for older children, again using TAXEDU materials such as lesson plans and videos.


Meanwhile in Bulgaria, content from TAXEDU has been added to an existing ‘Keep up with taxes’ portal, which has a particularly impressive following. As part of the EU project, short animated videos known as ‘micro-learnings’ have been translated into 22 EU languages, while further e-Learning material is also being translated.


This has cleared the way for other countries to plan additional actions, such as introducing schools to TAXEDU, presenting the project to relevant ministries and local administration, as well as communication with the general public and civil society organisations.


The TAXEDU project has been led by the European Parliament and the European Commission (Directorate General for Taxation and Customs).


Much of its success can however be attributed to the hard work and commitment of representatives from national authorities, who have provided valuable input throughout the project and are now leading awareness-raising initiatives in their home countries.


So, stay tuned and follow TAXEDU!