Sicily, lesson on tax legality at the University
In Italy, the Sicily Regional Directorate of the Italian Revenue Agency met students at the Palermo University. The topic of the lesson was “Tax legality and social fairness”. Tax officials outlined the Agency’s mission: promote tax compliance, that is, the highest level of voluntary fulfilment of tax obligations.

Lessons in fiscal legality in a Congolese school
This year, officials from the Agenzia delle Entrate (Tax Office) and the Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione (Italian debt collection agency) in Sicily shared the Italian project "Tax and School" with an international school in Congo to reach citizens of the future and offer them opportunities for growth and civic engagement.

Fisco e scuola (taxes and school), a competition between three teams
Fisco e scuola (taxes and school), a competition between three teams: their names – Iva, Irpef and Registro (VAT, Individual income tax, and Registration tax, respectively). All competing classes completed the course

Unveiling taxes: the backbone of public services
Everybody pays taxes. For instance, when you buy something in a shop, when you earn a salary in your job, or when you own a house, you will pay tax. Taxes are not a new idea. Taxes have been paid throughout history, some of which we still pay today. For example, in the Ancient Roman Empire, people paid Property Tax, Customs Duties, General Tax on Sales of Goods and Inheritance Tax.

Navigating the employment maze in the EU
‘Are you an employee or self-employed?’ This may seem like a simple question. An employee is someone who works for an employer, while a self-employed individual works for themselves.