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Pupils learn about the taxes through the game

Thanks to the Slovak financial administration, the Mobility Era board game reached the children of the primary school in  Kamenica nad Cirochou. The students of the 8th abd 9th grade immediately enthusiastically tried the game. The school's representative, Mrs. Bernardína Suchárová, confirmed that the English instructions did not cause a problem for the pupils with their language skills.


We have returned to the classrooms, after the health crisis, we are back with the schoolchildren. We really wanted to feel the feeling of meeting the students again. Although we have carried out telematic actions, our presence in the classrooms was very necessary.

Two new digital products for students

Italian Revenue Agency, in collaboration with the Revenue Collection Agency, has produced two educational notebooks, one for the primary schools (age 5-10) and one for the secondary schools (age 11-18).

Tax Education in the new normal, CADIZ, SPAIN

After the worst of the Pandemic, in the Cádiz Delegation, we resumed with more enthusiasm than ever the activities of the Civic Tax Education Program, at first, we thought that the centers were not going to be receptive, in this new normality, but This has not been the case, 99% of the centers have requested our activities.

How Barcelona team brings current affairs to civic tax education, Spain

Over the last two years we have all noted the importance of solidarity and cooperation between people and countries, and the role of taxes in this matter.

Why we should talk to teens about tax

Taxes may be the last thing on the minds of teenagers, but it’s an important part of civic education. TAXEDU’s packed with tips to get you started.

Mobility Era Games in Snina

At the end of September 2021, the Academy of Financial Administration, in cooperation with the Prohibitions and Restrictions Department of the Customs Section, conducted training at the Secondary Industrial School in Snina on the introduction of new rules on customs clearance, which entered into force on 1 July 2021.

Civic - Tax Education. Badajoz, Spain

At the end of the first quarter of the 2019-2020 school year, we sent information about our activity within the Civic Tax Education Plan in the province of Badajoz.

Economics as a pillow fight

I finally realised my old dream - a lesson on taxes and economics as a fun and active game.

Tax education a high priority in Cadiz, Spain

In the first quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year, the Cádiz Delegation carried out different activities throughout the province within the framework of the Civic Tax Education Programme.