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Why we should talk to teens about tax

Why we should talk to teens about tax

Editorial team


Taxes may be the last thing on the minds of teenagers, but it’s an important part of civic education. TAXEDU’s packed with tips to get you started.

Of course teenagers have heard about taxes – on the news and from their parents, but it is likely they have difficulty relating it to their reality. This is where TAXEDU can help by explaining how taxes contribute to all things that make life easier – from creating and maintaining infrastructure and public works to caring for our grandparents and those who need medical assistance.

What’s more, specific types of taxes are also explained – from personal and property tax to environmental and consumption tax and VAT.

TAXEDU has consolidated all this information and more, ready for students and teachers.  The TAXEDU website contains tips about how to make tax education relevant and fun for teens. 

Check out four TAXEDU tips!


Tip 1: Get them hooked
Today’s teenagers spend a lot of time online, downloading music, watching movies, shopping, gaming and chatting with friends. TAXEDU section dedicated to teens shows how online activities are related to tax and outlines the good practices to apply when making online purchases. 


Tip 2: Summer job
Since most teenagers find jobs over the summer, it’s important for them to be aware of employment and taxation rules as they apply to them. Teenagers can easily learn about this from Anna, a TAXEDU teen looking for a summer job in Luxembourg.


Tip 3: Shedding light on the black market
Intellectual property rights and counterfeiting are two important concepts that hit home with teenagers. TAXEDU takes the example of Tina, who wants to listen to Lady Lala’s latest album. Should she buy the album from the music store, download it or buy the CD from a market stall at a very low price? TAXEDU helps teens address these issues and highlights how to avoid purchasing fakes.


Tip 4: Charity donations
The importance of community service, volunteering and donation should not be underestimated. In some countries, donating to NGOs, foundations and charities – from those funding medical research to those maintaining heritage buildings – results in a tax relief. TAXEDU explains how it works.

More tips