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Civic - Tax Education. Badajoz, Spain

Civic - Tax Education. Badajoz, Spain

Juan Francisco Muñoz Corredor


Course 2019-2020. First trimester. Balance

At the end of the first quarter of the 2019-2020 school year, we sent information about our activity within the Civic Tax Education Plan in the province of Badajoz.

Our first sensation is of satisfaction with the harvest of the fruits of what we have been sowing, that is, the great demand for our civic-tax sessions in educational centers of all levels.

Thus, we started at the University of Extremadura for students of the degree in Economics and Business Administration, we continued with primary education centers and ended meeting with students of professional training of administrative management cycles and assistance to management.  We have taken our "KIT-PECT" and we have visited centers throughout the province, with special affection in those schools with so few students, that joining 5th and 6th grade we were ten in class (counting the two teachers). We have also opened the doors of the Delegation to receive schools and institutes, an activity that the rest of the colleagues always appreciate when they see so many children enter our workplace with their astonished faces.

We would like to make a special mention of CEIP Trajano de Mérida, a very active center in social networks, which covered our visit to the center (as attached in photos) and which has had great follow-up among parents, relatives and followers with the corresponding "likes" , "resubmits" and "retweets".