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New VAT e-commerce rules are here

The European Union has introduced sweeping value added tax (VAT) reforms for e-commerce. Find out how these new rules affect you and everyone in the e-commerce supply chain.

What every student should know about summer jobs and taxes

Meet Anna, she’s 17 and lives in Luxembourg. Like millions of teens this summer, she’s searching for a summer job. Anna has all sorts of questions about employment rules and taxation.

Tax Trends: taxation structure varies across EU

The structure of taxation varies quite significantly across the Member States of the EU, according to the findings of a new report.

Online meetings with students

Italian Revenue Agency, due to the pandemic emergency, has organized virtual events with the schools to explain the principles of the tax education Italian Revenue Agency continues its activity in the tax education even during this emergency period.  In Italy many schools have closed due to the coronavirus pandemic and use the distance learning for the lessons. So Italian Revenue Agency has reorganized its activities with students promoting online meetings.

Tax lessons for Italian children and students

The Italian Revenue Agency, in collaboration with Ministry of Education, University and Research, promotes the culture of tax compliance in schools. The activity in the schools has been going on since 2004.